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Recycling bin of single use plastics
Reducing Plastic
5min read

Easy Steps to Help Reduce Plastic Waste at Home

Reducing plastic waste at home can have a huge impact on the environment, but it's not without its challenges. Learn more about what you can do at home to help.

Reducing Plastic Waste at Home

Reducing plastic waste at home can have a huge impact on the environment, but it's not without its challenges. There are many different types of plastic, and the recycling process can be a challenge for many municipalities due to the technology needed, varying recovery equipment, and different end markets. It's crucial to check which items are accepted in your local program.

This guide will help you understand the likelihood of recycling various single-use plastic items while sharing tips to avoid using single-use plastics whenever possible.

Plastic Water Bottles

Recyclability: Plastic water bottles are highly sought after by recycling centers. Nearly all recycling facilities accept these bottles, typically made from PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate #1), which are highly recyclable.

Tip: Use a reusable water bottle. Metal is the most sustainable choice!

Plastic Straws

Recyclability: Plastic straws are usually made from #2 Polypropylene or #5 Polyethylene plastics. However, their small size makes them problematic for sorting machines.

Tip: Avoid straws altogether if possible, or use biodegradable straws made from paper or bamboo.

Food Storage Containers

Recyclability: Tupperware and similar containers are sustainable for reuse but may not be recyclable due to food contamination concerns. Check local guidelines for acceptance.

Tip: Reuse containers until they are no longer usable. Consider switching to glass containers for longer product lifespans.

Black Plastic Containers

Recyclability: Many take-out containers are made from black plastic, which is rarely accepted in recycling due to sorting issues.

Tip: Reuse these containers for food storage or donate them to local food shelters.

Plastic Cutlery

Recyclability: Traditional plastic cutlery is often made from #5 Polypropylene or #6 Polystyrene. While #5 is accepted in many places, #6 is not, and they often end up in landfills.

Tip: Use regular silverware or choose compostable cutlery when disposables are necessary.

Yogurt Cups

Recyclability: Many recycling programs accept yogurt cups, but cleanliness is crucial. If they can't be rinsed, it's better to toss them in the garbage.

Tip: Buy in bulk to reduce the number of containers you dispose of. Larger containers also provide reusable storage for leftovers.

Reducing and Recycling

There are many more ways to reduce plastic waste in your home, but hopefully, this guide gives you a good start. Knowing what is and isn't accepted in your local recycling program is key to maintaining a sustainable and eco-friendly household.

Collection of tin cans
Misunderstood Materials
5min read

There's More than Meets the Eye When It Comes to Recycling Metal

Metals are super important for recycling, but not all of them belong in your bin.

Metals are super important for recycling, but not all of them belong in your bin. They don't break down quickly, making them valuable resources. Unfortunately, many metal items end up in the garbage, which means we're losing out on things we could recycle. Some metals need special handling, so always check what your local recycling program accepts.

Let's dive into some common metal items you might need to recycle!

Aluminum cans

Aluminum cans are the most recycled consumer product worldwide! They can be recycled forever without losing quality. Did you know that around 75% of all aluminum ever made is still in use? Plus, recycling aluminum saves 90% of the energy needed to make new cans from raw materials.

When cans end up in landfills, it takes about 200 years for them to biodegrade, and we've wasted over 11 million tons in the past two decades alone.

Some places offer can deposits where you can return your aluminum cans for a small refund. And remember, don't crush your cans anymore; it makes it harder for sorting machines to do their job.

Tin cans

Think of all those metal soup cans you can recycle those too! Just be sure they're empty and rinsed out before tossing them in your recycling bin. Keep the metal lid inside the can to ensure it gets sorted correctly.

Cookie and cake tins

When looking to get rid of an old decorative in, make sure to wipe out any crumbs before adding them to your bin. But before you decide to toss, why not try to reuse them for storing items? They make great containers for sewing supplies.

Metal bottle caps

Metal bottle caps (both aluminum and steel) are recyclable, but they can be tricky because they're so small and often fall through sorting machines. To recycle them properly, group them by metal type: use a magnet to check if they're steel (if they stick) or aluminum (if they don't).

Fill a can halfway with caps, crimp it closed, and place it in your recycling bin. Some stores have take-back programs for caps, so check with your local retailers.

Pots and pans

Unfortunately, pots and pans can't be recycled through regular programs. Check with local scrap metal facilities, as they often accept these items. Alternatively, consider donating them if they're still usable, or even upcycling them into planters.

Metal coat hangers

Most recycling facilities don't accept metal coat hangers because they can tangle in the machinery. Check with local scrap metal facilities, or consider donating them if they're in decent shape.

Sustainable metal disposal

These are just a few common metal items you might need to recycle. If you have larger metal items, check with your local program first. Keeping metals out of landfills helps preserve our natural resources. Let's keep metals in circulation and find sustainable ways to recycle them!

Overhead shot of common office supplies, yellow sticky notes and a personal laptop
How-To Guides
5min read

How to Declutter and Recycle at the Office

Whether you work from home or at an office, knowing the correct disposal of common office supplies can help you stay sustainable.

Whether you work from home or at an office, knowing the correct disposal of common office supplies can help you maintain sustainable practices.

Check out our suggestions for office waste and learn how to help reduce it.

Printer paper

Printer paper is widely accepted for recycling. Plain paper is easily recycled through most recycling programs, whether you have a curbside pick-up or drop-off. Some municipalities may require you to separate out paper for a dual-stream collection system so that paper does not get wet or greasy by mixing with other recyclables.

Plain print or copy paper for your work may contain sensitive information which requires shredding. Each municipality tends to have very specific disposal procedures for shredded paper due to the size of the remnants. In general, items smaller than a credit card should not go in your regular recycling because they are too small to sort correctly. Shredded paper falls into this too small to sort situation, but that does not mean it cannot be recycled! Make sure to look up specific collection or drop-off information for shredded paper in your area.

??Waste Reduction Tip: When only printing or copying on one side, keep paper that is still blank on one side in a pile near your desk to use as scrap paper.

Paper containing staples

So what about paper that has staples? You can rip them out if you'd like, but it's not necessary. These tiny pieces of metal are easily removed during the recycling process with magnets or skimmed out when the paper is turned into a slurry.

?? Waste Reduction Tip: Avoid staples altogether by using a stapleless stapler that fastens sheets of paper together by crimping and puncturing them. If you use a lot of staples, think of how much metal you'll avoid using!

Windowed envelopes

We've covered plain paper, but what about envelopes that have adhesives? Or envelopes that have clear plastic windows? Nothing to worry about here either! The adhesives in these envelopes are not a problem during the recycling process. Likewise, the transparent plastic windows are small enough to easily avoid contaminating the paper mix.

?? Waste Reduction Tip: Go digital with correspondence and opt for paperless options when dealing with things like bills.

Junk mail

Junk Mail comes in so many forms: some are easily identifiable as regular copy paper, or even thicker cardstock paper that can be recycled, but what about glossy paper advertisements? Most of these are ok to add to your paper recycling as they tear easily. If they don't tear easily or have a plastic lining, they likely belong in the garbage instead. When in doubt, check with your local municipality's specific guidelines for glossy papers.

If you receive advertisements and coupons printed in a newspaper, these are also accepted tossing in your recycling bin.

?? Waste Reduction Tip: Opt-out of advertisements at your local post office to avoid adding to your home or office waste.

Adhesive tapes

Adhesive tapes are not accepted for recycling at most locations. If insignificant amounts of adhesive tape are on a piece of paper or cardboard box, that is not a problem, but it is best to remove large amounts of tape when it is easy to do so to ensure your recyclables are not contaminated.

Plastic disposable tape dispensers and tape rolls are not always accepted for recycling due to their size and the type of plastic they are made from. Check with your local municipality to see if they accept these items.

?? Waste Reduction Tip: Use brown paper tape which pairs adhesives with a paper backing instead of traditional plastic. This may not work for documents, but it is ideal for taping up cardboard boxes and packaging.

Sticky notes

While there is a small amount of adhesive, sticky notes are typically accepted for recycling, no matter the color. They also are just a bit larger than a credit card, so the size is not an issue.

?? Waste Reduction Tip: There are many apps to keep notes on your phone or computer so that you don't need to use paper.

Understanding the proper disposal methods for common office supplies is crucial for maintaining sustainable practices at home or in the office. It's always important to look up the specific requirements for recycling in your municipality before guessing what is and is not accepted!

An open textbook on top of a pile
Spring Cleaning
5min read

Giving New Life to an Old Read: The Recyclability of Books

Whether it's due to decluttering, moving homes, or simply outgrowing our collections, disposing of books responsibly is essential for maintaining sustainability and minimizing waste.

Books hold a special place in many people's hearts. They entertain, educate, and transport us to different worlds. However, as much as we love our books, there comes a time when we need to part ways with them. Whether it's due to decluttering, moving homes, or simply outgrowing our collections, disposing of books responsibly is essential for maintaining sustainability and minimizing waste.

Sustainable book disposal practices

Let's explore sustainable disposal practices to minimize waste and environmental impact:

  1. Donate: One of the most sustainable ways to dispose of books is to donate them. Consider donating books to local libraries, schools, community centers, or charity organizations. By giving books a second life, you not only prevent them from ending up in landfills but also provide resources to those in need.
  2. Book Swaps: Organize or participate in book swap events within your community. Book swaps allow individuals to exchange books they no longer need for ones they're interested in reading. It's a sustainable way to refresh your reading collection without purchasing new books and promotes a culture of sharing within the community.
  3. Sell or Trade: If your books are in good condition and hold some value, consider selling or trading them. Online marketplaces, secondhand bookstores, and garage sales are excellent options for selling or trading books. By giving books a new home, you extend their lifespan.
  4. Recycle Responsibly: When recycling books, ensure you follow proper recycling guidelines. Remove any non-paper components, such as plastic covers or bindings, and separate them for disposal. If in doubt, check with your local recycling facility by using the What Goes Where search tool to determine what can and cannot be recycled.
  5. Upcycle: Get creative with old books by upcycling them into new creations. From art projects and DIY home decor to gift wrapping and journal making, there are countless ways to repurpose old books and give them new life.

Are books recyclable?

Books are primarily made of paper a recyclable material. However, not all books are created equal when it comes to recyclability. Here's what you need to know:

Paperback books

Paperback books are typically fully recyclable. The covers are usually made of paperboard, while the pages are made of paper. Before recycling, remove any non-paper components such as plastic covers or bindings.

Hardcover books

While most hardcover books can be recycled as is, some may present a bit of a challenge due to their binding. The pages are recyclable like those of paperback books, but the hardcover itself sometimes contains materials like cloth, leather, or plastic. For these types of hardcover books, remove the cover and separate it from the pages. The pages can then be recycled with other paper materials, while the cover may need to be disposed of separately.

Specialty books

Some books come with additional components like CDs, DVDs, or plastic inserts. These components may not be recyclable and should be removed before recycling the rest of the book. Check the What Goes Where search tool for disposal of any of these additional items.

Books are more than just objects they're sources of knowledge, inspiration, and imagination. By adopting sustainable practices for book disposal, we can preserve the value of books while minimizing our environmental footprint. Whether it's donating, swapping, selling, or recycling, every action we take contributes to sustainable practices. So, the next time you find yourself with a stack of old books, remember the importance of responsible disposal and be sure to look up your local disposal guidelines in the What Goes Where search tool.

End of a recycling sorting line
Recycling Basics
5min read

10 Ways to Avoid Recycling Contamination

Recycling contamination is a growing issue, and it's more important than ever to recycle smarter. Let's dive into some easy tips to keep your recycling clean and effective!

Recycling contamination is a growing issue, and it's more important than ever to recycle smarter. Tossing items you think can be recycled into your bin can actually lead to problems for recycling facilities, costing municipalities a lot of money in disposal fees and risking the entire recycling system. Let's dive into some easy tips to keep your recycling clean and effective!

1. Soft paper products go in the garbage

You might think paper towels, napkins, and facial tissues are recyclable since they're made of paper. But here's the deal: they're usually too soiled and made from fibers that can't be recycled. Instead, check if your municipality accepts them in an organic collection program or compost.

Pro Tip: Switch to reusable options! Cloth towels and napkins are great sustainable alternatives, and some companies even offer washable fabric options to replace disposable paper.

2. Rinse your containers

A quick rinse is all it takes! Containers with leftover food residue can contaminate other recyclables, like paper and cardboard. Wet cardboard is a no-go for recycling facilities and can end up in a landfill.

Pro Tip: You don't need a full scrub down! A simple rinse in leftover dishwater or a shake with a little water can get the job done. Let them dry a bit to keep them from dampening other materials in your bin.

3. Get rid of food grease

Food grease is a big issue for recycling. Greasy pizza boxes or sandwich wrappers can't be sorted out and will ruin a whole batch of paper products during processing.

Pro Tip: Remove the greasy parts of pizza boxes and toss them in the garbage, leaving only the clean parts for recycling.

4. No plastic bags in the bin

Plastic bags are major recycling troublemakers! They can get tangled in recycling facility equipment and pose risks for workers.

Pro Tip: Collect your plastic bags and take them to a store with a drop-off recycling bin instead of tossing them in your home bin.

5. Donate extra plastic containers

Many curbside recycling programs don't accept black plastic takeout containers. They often end up contaminating other recyclables.

Pro Tip: Clean them out and donate to local food kitchens that distribute meals to those in need.

6. Know which plastics are accepted

Not all plastics are treated the same. Different facilities accept different types of plastics, so tossing in something not accepted can lead to contamination.

Pro Tip: Look for the recycling symbol on the packaging and check the number. #1 and #2 plastics are usually safe, but #3-7 can vary by location.

7. Don't throw batteries in the recycling bin

Batteries, especially lithium-ion ones, can be dangerous in recycling bins due to fire risks and chemical leaks.

Pro Tip: Use programs like Call2Recycle to drop off or mail in your batteries safely.

8. Coffee cups go in the garbage

Paper coffee cups might look recyclable, but they have a plastic lining that makes them a no-go for most curbside programs.

Pro Tip: Bring a reusable coffee mug! It's better for the environment and will reduce waste.

9. Check freezer box labels

Frozen food boxes often contain plastic or wax linings that can't be recycled with regular cardboard.

Pro Tip: Choose fresh foods when possible, or use reusable containers for freezing.

10. Dispose of hazardous materials properly

Recycling facilities often struggle with hazardous waste. Many items need special disposal methods, so don't toss them in your home recycling bin.

Pro Tip: Look up local disposal options for hazardous waste, electronics, and bulky items with your local program.

Recycling can feel overwhelming, but with a little planning, you can help keep our environment clean and our recycling facilities running smoothly. Remember to check with your municipality about what's accepted and use the Recycle Coach app to find out what goes where. By being informed and reducing contamination, we can all contribute to a healthier planet!

Close-up of milk being poured from a cardboard carton
Recycling Basics
5min read

Everything You've Always Wondered about Recycling Cartons and Containers

From milk cartons to mixed-material containers, let's explore some best practices for recycling and the benefits of getting these materials processed correctly.

Paper cartons and containers are a fantastic source of recyclable material. From milk cartons to mixed-material containers, let's explore some best practices for recycling and the benefits of getting these materials processed correctly.

Milk and juice cartons

Recyclability: Milk and juice cartons (or gable top cartons) are made from multiple layers, including paper, plastic, and aluminum to keep drinks fresh. About 75% of these cartons are paperboard, which recycling facilities love!

But beware: not all recycling centers accept these cartons due to the challenges of separating materials. It's best to check with your local program to see if they take these!

Tetra-Pak cartons

Tetra Pak cartons, like juice boxes and wine cartons, are also made of multiple materials. While they can be tricky to recycle, many facilities now accept them thanks to Tetra Pak's sustainability efforts. They have special processes to recover most of the material.

Just like with milk cartons, check if your local program collects Tetra Pak items.

Spiral cardboard cans

Spiral cardboard cans (like those used for potato chips) are often misunderstood. Many facilities don't accept them because they combine paper and metal. If your program does accept them, remove any plastic lids before recycling.

Some newer versions are made entirely of paper, so if yours is plastic-free and clean, you can recycle it with other paper products!

Corrugated cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes are recycling champions! Almost every recycling facility takes them. Just remember to flatten those boxes before tossing them in your bin to save space and make things easier for the workers.

Recycling cardboard saves energy and water, and it helps reduce deforestation since fewer trees need to be cut down!

Cardboard cartons

Thin cardboard packaging, like cereal and cracker boxes, is also recyclable. These boxes are great for recovering paper fibers, making them more sustainable than plastic packaging.

Check that your cartons are made from 100% paper. Some frozen food boxes might have plastic or wax linings, so double-check with your local program.

And yes, flatten them before recycling!

Egg cartons

Egg cartons, like those fast-food drink holders, are recyclable too! If your facility takes cardboard, they'll likely accept these shaped containers. Plus, they're often made from recycled paper!

Feeling eco-friendly? You can even compost them as part of your brown materials. Just remember to check about plastic or polystyrene egg cartons with your local recycling guidelines.

Paper take-out containers

Many restaurants are switching to paper take-out containers, but they often have plastic linings, making them non-recyclable. If your take-out containers aren't lined with plastic, you can compost them instead!

Check your local program

While many paper products are widely accepted, it's always a good idea to check your local recycling program's guidelines. Don't assume something is recyclable just because it looks like it! Some items might have plastic or wax linings that aren't accepted.

A collection of blue water bottles.
Misunderstood Materials
5min read

The Recycling Journey of a Plastic Bottle Cap

As industries look to produce products and packaging that contain certain percentages of recycled materials, your average water or beverage container has become the most viable plastic product on the market for recycling. But what about the cap?

As industries look to produce products and packaging that contain certain percentages of recycled materials, your average water or beverage container has become the most viable plastic product on the market for recycling. But what about the cap?

Material recovery

Plastic bottle caps for beverages, or any other plastic containers, are typically made from a different type of plastic than the bottle itself. The caps on these containers are usually made from high-density polyethylene or polypropylene. For this reason, years ago, plastic recycling required you to remove caps to reduce contamination by keeping plastic types separate.

Sorting small items

Small items such as bottle caps are not accepted at most recycling facilities due to their size, so these plastic bottle caps were being lost in the trash with no hopes of material recovery. A good standard to sort by is that items smaller than a credit card should not go in your recycling bin. This is because most sorting machinery cannot identify or sort small items, so they end up discarded or, even worse, sent into the wrong batch of material.

Plastic pollution

With nearly 600 million plastic bottles and containers produced in a year, this could lead to innumerable plastic caps ending up in landfills, or worse, contributing to plastic pollution. A 2016 analysis of coastal plastic pollution by the North Sea Foundation found that plastic bottle caps are one of the top five littered items on beaches around the world.

The need for change

As the need for reducing plastic pollution grew and additional methods for recycling more plastics developed, the industry standard began to change. Now most recycling facilities in North America ask that caps are left on bottles and containers to collect the caps in an efficient manner.

There are a few reasons why these two different materials being kept together is no longer a problem. First, some sorting facilities will shred the plastic into small pieces. Then, while submerged in water, the PET will sink and the HDPE or polypropylene cap pieces will float, allowing it to be skimmed off the top and separated.

PET and HDPE or polypropylene also have different melting points, so the caps would melt away from the PET bottles before reaching their melting point, allowing the materials to separate naturally.

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has also determined that the marketability of plastic bales of bottles with caps on does not decrease the recyclability of either type of plastic and is helping to make it easier for residents to recycle both items if they are kept together.

Not every facility has changed their procedures and requirements for recycling yet. It is always important to check with your local facility to find out what their recycling requirements are regarding keeping caps on or off.

What about metal caps?

Some plastic bottles have caps with metal in them. What should you do with those? Unfortunately, these should not be kept on bottles because the metal will not sort out in the same way as plastic bottle caps. The metal will sink with the PET fragments and end up contaminating the entire plastic bale. Remove these metal caps and place them in the garbage, even if they have plastic on them as well.

You can always check with your local recycling facility to see if they have any alternative collection program for small metal caps such as these. There is a chance there could be a drop-off method, but if not, these are doomed to the landfill.

Keeping up with changes

The current standard is to keep your plastic bottle caps on beverage bottles and other plastic containers that are accepted for recycling in your area, but make sure your facility has updated this requirement before changing your ways. Even though there are constant advancements in recycling technologies, you need to follow the requirements of your specific recycling facility based on what machinery and methods they currently have.

It's always good to keep up with what new procedures your facility has established and if any additional materials are being added to the accepted list. Recycling procedures are not set in stone and vary greatly from location to location, so make sure you look up whatever items you are trying to recycle so that you help keep your program running efficiently and effectively.

White mattress with pillows
How-To Guides
5min read

How to Dispose of Your Old Mattress the Right Way

Did you know it's recommended to replace mattressess every 6 to 8 years? Keep reading to learn what to do with one that's ready to be replaced.

Disposing of bulky items is a problem everyone faces from time to time.

One of the most challenging items involves a good night's sleep and where you spend a good chunk of time: your mattress!

Keep reading to learn what to do with one that's ready to be replaced.


Putting circularity first means trying to keep your mattresses out of the landfill for as long as possible. Donating is one way to help give them a second life, though many locations don't accept mattresses due to the risk of bedbug infestations.

Check with friends and family to see if they need an extra mattress before you toss it, or call around to shelters, charities, donation centers, or furniture banks to ask about their rules.


If your mattress is still in good condition, head on over to your online marketplace of choice, or plan to make it part of your next yard sale. Even if you list it for free, you would still be doing the environment a favor and keeping it out of the landfill.


Mattresses aren't often an item we think of when considering refurbishing furniture, but there is at least a possibility of improving your sleep quality by adding a pillowtop or mattress pad instead of getting rid of it.

If you have a spring mattress that needs repair, check with a local upholstery service or mattress store to see what's possible.


Recycling is not the common disposal method for such a bulky item, but it is worth a quick search to see if there are any programs in your area.


Repurposing a mattress may be a large feat to take on, but if you are up for a challenge, see if you can use some of the foam or filling to stuff pillows. You might be able to remove the metal coils to use for some crafty gardening art, or at least bring them into a scrap metal yard.

(Make sure you know what's actually inside of your mattress before you start cutting into it! Many memory foam mattress contain fiberglass material as a fire retardant, which can be dangerous if inhaled. Older mattresses are unlikely to have this material, but it's always safest to check the tag before you cut into one.)


The most likely disposal your city or town requires is to put these out for garbage, but with an item this large, it's not always a straightforward process. Most municipalities have very specific bulk item pick-up requirements, which may include payment for pick-up, scheduling pick-ups, or specific curbside pick-up days.

They may even have special requirements for mattresses specifically, again due to the risk of bed bugs. Make sure to check with your local rules about what the procedure is for mattresses.

Junk Removal

If no pick-up or drop-off is available to you, you may have to hire a private junk hauler to remove the mattress. This is an ideal disposal choice if you are unable to get the mattress to the curb for your city's bulky pick-up requirements because most junk removal services will even remove the items from inside your house upon request.

Look it up

When it comes to disposing mattresses, you have many options to try and forego the landfill! Make sure to look up how to dispose of mattresses in your city or town.

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